Category: Uncategorized

  • Amit a ChatGPT nem árul el soha

    Úgy gondolom, hogy a ChatGPT a nagy tech cégek PR-menedzsere. Megpróbálom néhány posztban megmutatni, hogy mire alapozom azt az állítást. Először is feltettem egy kérdést a ChatGPT-nek, ami érdekelheti a startupokat és a befektetőket, és mindenkit, aki érdeklődik a technológia és az üzleti élet iránt. A kérdés a következő volt. Honnan tudta Peter Thiel, hogy…

  • What ChatGPT Will Not Tell You

    I think that ChatGPT is a PR manager of the big tech word. I am going to show it in a few posts. First, I asked a question that might interest startupers and investors, and everyone who is interested in technology and the markets. This is it. How did Peter Thiel know that it is…

  • Can We Potentially Avert Monopolies in the Realm of AI?

    Why is it a problem with monopolies? In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the looming specter of monopolies casts a shadow of concern. While the traditional notion of skyrocketing prices due to limited competition remains valid, a more profound and subtle threat lurks beneath the surface. It’s not merely the potential escalation of costs that…

  • The Vision, Journalists, and an AI Tool

    When you come across a blog post about digital tools for journalists, you usually find note-taking, grammar-correcting, and data-mining tools. Is that a problem? Yes, it is. But why? Imagine a journalist’s work process. It begins not with a clipboard, but in their mind. Inspiration can strike from various sources, such as articles, impressions, novels,…

  • The No-Code Journey of an Internet Pedestrian

    I am a Hungarian journalist. I always read before I write – and I must read a lot. I often read blogs and I cannot remember all the details in them. One day I was meditating on what would happen if I taught a robot the content of the blog posts and I could ask…

  • When you have an info hunger – the 10-minute learning with ChatGPT

    In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for personal growth and learning can seem like an insurmountable challenge. However, a simple yet powerful method can revolutionize your learning journey. By dedicating just 10 minutes a day to asking questions from ChatGPT, you can unlock a world of knowledge. Through this method, not only will you gain…

  • The 3 + 1 main rules of text generation supported by ChatGPT

  • You are not a ChatGPT thief to have it write a story

    A priest wanted to test the speech-writing abilities of ChatGPT. He tested it in his own way, and received a text stating in general terms that it was Sunday and that’s why we are in the church. Everyone found this to be very weak, and it spread in his circle of acquaintances that ChatGPT cannot…