The No-Code Journey of an Internet Pedestrian

I am a Hungarian journalist. I always read before I write – and I must read a lot. I often read blogs and I cannot remember all the details in them. One day I was meditating on what would happen if I taught a robot the content of the blog posts and I could ask this robot about everything that is written in the source. After thinking about different possible forms of this robot, I thought that the best form of the robot would be a Chrome extension. It would be a pop-up where the user could type in a question, click the submit button and get an answer from the blog post they are reading to their question. It was just an idea in my head, but another day I decided to create this robot.

The pedestrian

I have to admit that I only know a little bit of programming. I have learned a little html, css and python. With this limited knowledge I cannot go very far: I am an internet pedestrian.  But I am sure that I should not give up my dream. When I heard about the creation of no-code web tools, I searched the web and found 2 amazing tools: Zapier and My AskAI. And it didn’t take much to work out the workflow in my head that I could put into practice.

If you are familiar with Zapier

Zapier is almost the number one tool for no-coders. With Zapier you can connect different online tools. And you can write quasi-programs with it, called zaps. But you don’t have to write a single line of code. You figure out what movement you want to start other movements and make it a tigger. Then you can determine what action(s) can be done after the tigger is “stimulated”. To make it clearer, let us see a zap!

Before the zap

But where is the Chrome extension? Well, you can make one with Zapier. You can find out how easy it is to create one here:

My zap

My zap consists of 3 steps. This is how you can make it too.

1. You create a tigger with the Zapier Chrome extension that takes the question.

2. You create an action to send the question to My AskAI. (In the background My AskAI produces the answer.)

3. You create an action with the Zapier Chrome extension, which receives and displays the response in the Zapier Chrome extension.

The pedestrian buys a bike

I like this zap so much that I want to have it developed and make it available for other people. Journalists, students, scholars, researchers, and copywriters could use it. Maybe one day I will come back here to show what my friend who is a programmer could have created for us…

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